How Deos Enzymes Increase Metabolism And Appetite?

Enzymes are essential for the normal functioning of the body’s metabolism, which involves the conversion of food into energy and the building of new tissues. Enzymes are involved in every metabolic process in the body, including the breakdown of carbohydrates,...

12 Foods That Contain Natural Digestive Enzymes

The digestive system consists of many organs. These organs break down the food that we eat into simpler forms, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. The nutrients are then transported across the small intestine and into the bloodstream, where they...

Pineapples Can “Eat” You Too

It is com­mon knowl­edge that peo­ple di­gest food to get en­er­gy. At first glance, this seems to be a one-way process. Cu­ri­ous­ly enough, there are also some fruits which can have a de­struc­tive ef­fect on the tis­sues of our body. Of course, they can­not di­gest...

Papaya Enzymes (Papain)- Natural Remedy For Heartburn

Papain is an enzyme found naturally in the fruit of the papaya plant (Carica papaya). The enzymes help break down proteins, the process of which makes it ideal as a meat tenderizer. Papaya has long been used in folk medicine to relieve pain, swelling, and...

What Are Metabolic Enzymes?

When most people think of enzymes, they think of digestive health.  While your body has over 75,000 enzymes, only a handful deal with digestion.  Meanwhile, the rest help your body use vital nutrients to work properly and stay healthy. So what exactly are metabolic...

Aren’t There Enough Enzymes in the Food We Eat?

Well, if you eat fresh raw foods then you get enough enzymes to digest those foods. But if you eat cooked foods you should realize that they have zero enzymes. This means your body must produce a huge quantity of digestive enzymes to digest those foods and will...

Bloating non-stop, How?

  Are you facing any symptom as below?- obesity or underweight- hormonal imbalance- allergies & low immunity- premature ageing and low healing- poor sleeping quality- muscle aches & joint stiffness- fatigue, unable to concentrate- poor digestion, prone to...
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