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AshiGuard is a whole food supplement that contains Ashitaba plant. AshiGuard contains 40x more ashitaba chalcones compared to regular Ashitaba powder or tea.

Ashitaba chalcones are found to have blood glucose lowering properties.

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Vespro LiveZymes is a delicious botanical digestive enzyme beverage in cold spray dried powder form. Proudly produced from 12 different types of fresh food and fruits using the most advanced cold spray drying equipment from Germany.

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NitroVar™ is a Macrobiotic Raw Food in powder form that encourages healthy cellular growth and cell division. It is made of young broccoli sprouts, young asparagus sprouts, cloves, grape skin, blackberries seeds, pear seeds, plum seeds and prune seeds. All ingredients are grown and harvested in the USA.

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Black Elderberry Juice contains high levels of antioxidant bioflavanoids and very high amounts of the polyphenol anthocyanin, which give them their dark color. Elderberry is a tried and true home remedy and it is especially good for the respiratory system.

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LiveBerries is a delicious berry fruit beverage formulated using 9 different types of berries: blackberrystrawberryred and black raspberry,boysenberrycherryblueberrycranberry and mulberry.  It is an excellent source of Polyphenols, which can contribute to many beneficial effects to your health.

Each serving provides 1.5 cups of fresh berries!

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LiveAcerola C900 is the ideal source of Natural Vitamin C for kids! Acerola Berries are a thin skinned, bright red, cherry-like fruit that grow on trees in tropical regions of Americas. The fruit is prized for its extremely high vitamin C content – about 30 times more than orange! LiveAcerola C900 combines acerola berries with bioflavonoid and red beets into a healthy and delicious beverage.

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AshiSlim is a new revolutionary Japanese formula that targets belly fat or visceral fat, the fat that surrounds your important internal organs. Losing that belly has never been easier with this natural weight loss supplement which allows you to lose unwanted pounds easily and safely.

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AshiSlim adalah produk revolusi baru menggunakan formula Jepun, yang mampu menghapuskan lemak degil di bahagian organ dalaman anda, terutamanya di bahagian perut.

Mengurangkan lemak degil pada perut bukanlah perkara yang mudah. Dengan produk ini, anda boleh mengurangkan lemak tersebut, dan ia selamat digunakan dan diperbuat dari bahan semula jadi.

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SUPER BIO-ORGANIC is a combination of high quality golden grain husk plus a special blend of more than 30 types of organic seeds, vegetables, green foods, prebiotic, enzymes, chlorophyll and probiotics that work synergistically to provide optimum nutritional values to our body. It is a superior health food that provides balance nutrition, enhances immune system and eliminates internal toxins from the body.

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  • AshiSlim
  • Bought by Anne from Kuala Lumpur
Organic Ashitaba Aojiru Dynamic Nutrition
  • AshiSlim
  • Bought by Bryan from Johor Bahru
Riflex 360

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