Sea buckthorn, known as “holy fruit” in Tibet, is found in centuries-old medicinal texts in Tibet and China. It was used there to treat coughing, digestive problems, skin issues, wounds and burns, and even depression in some cases. Recently, science has come to discover its dense nutritional content of omega 3, 6, 7, 9, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Sea Buckthorn is Rich in Omega 3, 6, 7 & 9

Omegas are the essential building blocks for the skin, hair and nails. They make up over 50% of the lipids in the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum. Thus, they are crucial for the glow and integrity of our skin. When Omegas are deficient, our skin dries up, flakes. It becomes prone to inflammation and irritation (e.g. dermatitis, acne).

With age, the natural Omegas production in our body begins to slow down. They can only be obtained through our diet.

Sea buckthorn oil has so many health benefits as a result of its make-up. From vitamins like C, A, and E, through to fatty acids and omega-3, -6, -7, and -9, as well as plentiful antioxidants, sea buckthorn oil would add a real boost to anyone’s health.

In fact, a 2021 review reported that sea buckthorn oil is antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory, too.

1. May Help With Hair Growth

Sea buckthorn contains many omegas and fatty acids. There is plentiful evidence to suggest that omega fatty acids support hair growth and shine. This is because omegas are the ‘good’ fats needed by your body.

A 6-month oral supplementation with Omega 3, 6 and antioxidants show improvements in hair texture and fullness. In 120 participants, almost 90% reported reductions in hair loss and over 78% reported improvements in hair thickness (hair diameter), fullness (hair density & volume), shininess and softness.


In terms of your hair, they protect against breakage and are essential to the health of hair follicles. As such, by either consuming sea buckthorn or applying it’s oil topically to your hair, you may be helping to support your hair’s growth and overall shine. Don’t forget that sea buckthorn also has benefits for overall health and skin health.

From softening skin dryness and reducing inflammation to supporting heart health, sea buckthorn may have many advantages beyond the benefits it will give your hair.


2. Stimulates Blood Circulation

Sea buckthorn helps with blood circulation. This means that greater oxygen is transported by your blood around your body. Your hair needs this oxygen to grow, so by supporting blood circulation, sea buckthorn oil may support a healthy scalp and hair growth.


3. May Help With Dandruff

As detailed above, sea buckthorn is antifungal and antibacterial. As such, if you suffer from dandruff or scalp sensitivities, sea buckthorn may help to manage the situation.

At the least, it will guard against infection and help to minimize any irritation or inflammation thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.


4. May Remove Excess Oil

2017 article evaluated the content of lipids (fats) within sea buckthorn oil and concluded that the oil may help to remove excess oil from the scalp and hair.

It’s for this reason that you may have noticed the oil’s inclusion in certain hair care products.


5. Moisturizing

Whilst sea buckthorn oil may help to reduce excess oil in the hair, it’s also intensely moisturizing, and will help to add some hydration to parched strands.

It also has this benefit for skin, too, so if you suffer from a dry, flaky scalp, sea buckthorn oil may help to soothe this. In fact, sea buckthorn oil is often recommended by hairstylists for the treatment and support of dry, damaged hair.

So, if your strands are looking a little parched, using a topical sea buckthorn oil may help to get them back to health.


6. May Reduce Hair Shedding

As well as potentially supporting hair growth, sea buckthorn oil might also reduce hair loss and shedding.

It contains folates and biotin, both of which are essential to the integrity of your hair strands and follicles – and healthier follicles mean less shedding.


7. Restores Elasticity

Sea buckthorn oil is known for boosting collagen in the skin, thereby helping to support the skin’s elasticity.

It works in much the same way for hair, too. By improving the elasticity of hair, sea buckthorn oil may give your hair more bounce and body. For curly girls, elasticity is essential to curl retention – so it may well be worth incorporating sea buckthorn oil for hair into your regime if you’re looking for curlier curls.8. Improves Hair Texture

If you’re looking for stronger, more moisturized hair that’s smooth and silky, sea buckthorn oil may just be a wonder ingredient.

As well as strengthening the hair fiber and regenerating damaged hair, sea buckthorn oil can improve the texture of hair. As such, if your hair is a little coarse or rough to the touch, applying sea buckthorn oil topically can work as a conditioning treatment to add some silky smoothness.


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