Natural Vitamin C for Kids & Adults
Natural Vitamin C for Kids & Adults

What is LiveAcerola?
LiveAcerola C900 is a combination of acerola berries with bioflavonoid and red beets. All combined into a healthy and delicious beverage.
Each serving of LiveAcerola C900 provides a healthy dose of natural vitamin C and a wide spectrum of phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes which are essential for maintenance of good health.
These nutrients are all in organic form and therefore are much easier to assimilate than synthetic nutrients.
Suitable for children and vegetarians!
Advantages of LiveAcerola C900
Advantages of LiveAcerola C900

Provides natural vitamin C in organic form for easy absorption
Act as a potent antioxidant, scavenging potentially harmful free radicals
Enhances the absorption of iron and calcium
Boost immune system
Promotes wound healing and prevents easy bleed or bruising
Reduces allergy
Information & Facts
LiveAcerola Information & Facts

Natural Vitamin C For Kids
Most mothers are worried that their child will get sick and might not be able to enjoy themselves at school or during their play time. Hence, it is useful for mothers to give vitamin C to the children to increase their bodies’ defense level so they are less prone to fall sick.
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which is necessary in the body to form collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle and blood vessels. It also aids in the absorption of iron in our body.
Truly health-conscious consumers choose to avoid artificial, unnatural and synthetic chemicals in dietary supplements. Is your vitamin C supplement really vitamin C?
Certified Halal by JAKIM
Product of USA
Acerola cherry, red beet juice powder, stevia
Net weight: 8 grams x 20 Sachets
Directions: Mix 1 sachet of LiveAcerola C900 in 150ml water or juice (below 40°C)
No added sugar or saccharin.
Each sachet has 930mg of natural Vitamin C.
Nectar of Acerola Berries and Red Beet
Acerola Berries are a thin skinned, bright red, cherry-like fruit that grow on trees in tropical regions of Americas. The fruits prized for its extremely high vitamin C content which is about 30 times more than orange!
Red Beets contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper and potassium as well as fiber, vitamins A and C, niacin, folic acid and biotin. The iron in red beets, in particular is noted for being much more easily assimilated than man made form of iron.
Natural Vitamin C vs Synthetic Vitamin C
Natural Vitamin C vs Synthetic Vitamin C
Natural Vitamin C
Usually extracted from real food such as acerola berries, rose hips, amla berries etc.
Natural Vitamin C is a complex of several naturally occurring elements synergistically present and bonded to provide the complete beneficial effects of vitamin C
Complete vitamin C is composed of many co-factors such as bioflavonoids, rutin, Factor J, Factor K, Factor P, Tyrosinase, Ascorbinogen, Ascorbic acid and other components. Each of these is vital to the complete biological activity that enables vitamin C to function fully.
Synthetic Vitamin C Supplement
Contain synthetic ascorbic acid or buffered mineral ascorbates such as calcium ascorbate, potassium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate and zinc ascorbate.
Some vitamin C products contain a very small amount of rose hips and acerola with a whopping amount of synthetic ascorbic acid and give the illusion of being totally or partially whole food products, but in fact, they are not!
They are often chemically manufactured from corn sugar
Ascorbic acid is only a very small fraction of vitamin C complex. Most synthetic forms of vitamin C do little good but tax your liver and kidneys before being eliminated through your urine.
Taking synthetic ascorbic acid can make the body more acidic over time and steals from the body’s calcium reserve since the body must release calcium to neutralize the acidity of synthetic ascorbic acid.
LiveAcerola C900
Each serving of LiveAcerola C900 provides 930mg of natural vitamin C and wide spectrum of phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes which are essential for maintenance of good health. These nutrients are all in organic form and therefore are much easier to assimilate than synthetic nutrients.
Acerola Cherry
Acerola Cherry is a thin-skinned, bright red, cherry-like fruit that grows on trees in tropical regions of Americas. The fruits prized for its extremely high vitamin C content which is about 30 times more than orange!
Red Beets
Red beets contain phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper and potassium as well as fiber, vitamins A, and C, niacin, folic acid, and biotin. The iron in red beets, in particular, is noted for being much more easily assimilated than the man-made form of iron.
Citrus Bioflavonoids
Citrus bioflavonoids are polyphenolic compounds found in the fruits and rinds of citrus plants such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes. Bioflavonoids, in general, are essential for the processing of vitamin C within the body and intensify the effect of vitamin C. They provide natural anti-viral and anti-allergy properties, improve microvascular blood flow and strengthen the wall of the blood vessel, help reduce cholesterol levels, reduce allergic reaction.