Super Bio-Organic

High Fiber Drink With Goodness Of The Rainbow – Natural Constipation Remedy

What is Super Bio-Organic?

Super Bio-Organic is a combination of high quality golden grain husk plus a special blend of more than 30 types of organic seeds, vegetables, green foods, prebiotic, enzymes and chlorophyll that work synergistically to provide optimum nutritional values to our body.

Advantages of Super Bio-Organic

Organic High Fiber Drink – Natural Constipation Remedy

high fiber drink detoxification

Natural Constipation Remedy


Balance Nutrients for Total Well-Being


Prevent and Reduce Symptoms of Hemorrhoid


Support Cholesterol-Lowering Effect


Improve Digestion


Provide Relief From Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


Manage Body Weight


Improve Cardiovascular Health

high fiber drink detoxification

Natural Constipation Remedy


Balance Nutrients for Total Well-Being


Manage Body Weight


Improve Digestion


Provide Relief From Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


Support Cholesterol-Lowering Effect


Prevent and Reduce Symptoms of Hemorrhoid


Improve Cardiovascular Health

Super Bio-Organic


Listen to what our Customer says


*Selepas beberapa minggu kinah minum dan amalkan Super Bio Organic, kinah dapati masalah sembelit dah mula berkurangan. Proses membuang pun lancar. Dah takde duduk lama dalam bilik  air. Badan pun dah mula rasa ringan yela kan ada berlakunya proses detoks. Disebabkan toksin yang banyak dalam badan menyebakan kita ni sukar untuk membuang dan badan pun lemah, mudah letih.


Nurul Sakinah Dynamic Nutrition

super bio-organic

*KakYa dah cuba Super Bio-Organic. Apa yang boleh KakYa cakap KakYa sukakan produk ni sebab warna dia hijau hahaha takde la bukan sebab warna dia hijau tapi sebab KakYa dapat rasakan perubahan selepas mengamalkan Super Bio-Organic.


Rasa badan makin ringan dek kerana toksin dah berkurang dalam badan kot. Satu lagi kan, bila umur makin meningkat badan mudah letih dan kurang bermaya. Dengan Super Bio-Organic, KakYa rasa lebih bertenaga dan dapat bagi lebih tumpuan untuk kerja kerja KakYa. Alhamdulillah, Super Bio-Organic semakin serasi dengan KakYa


Kak Lya Dynamic Nutrition

*Mula-mula cuba tu memang rasa lain la sebab bahan yang digunakan semuanya organik. Tiada rasa tambahan. Semua semulajadi dari bahan-bahan yang terbaik. Cik Nor ni jenis tak kisah, ada rasa ke tak tak penting. Apa yang penting semuanya semulajadi tanpa apa-apa bahan tambahan.


Apa yang menarik Super Bio-Organic ni, bila kita menggunakannya secara konsisten secara automatik melancarkan sistem pencernaan. Selepas menggunakan produk ini, Cik Nor tak perlu tunggu lama untuk melepaskan hajat besar. hehe. Clear and smooth jer. Siapa yang tak makan sayur boleh cuba Super Bio-Organic ni, gerenti puas hati.


Cik Nor Dynamic Nutrition



*Selepas beberapa minggu kinah minum dan amalkan Super Bio Organic, kinah dapati masalah sembelit dah mula berkurangan. Proses membuang pun lancar. Dah takde duduk lama dalam bilik  air. Badan pun dah mula rasa ringan yela kan ada berlakunya proses detoks. Disebabkan toksin yang banyak dalam badan menyebakan kita ni sukar untuk membuang dan badan pun lemah, mudah letih.


Nurul Sakinah

super bio-organic

*KakYa dah cuba Super Bio-Organic. Apa yang boleh KakYa cakap KakYa sukakan produk ni sebab warna dia hijau hahaha takde la bukan sebab warna dia hijau tapi sebab KakYa dapat rasakan perubahan selepas mengamalkan Super Bio-Organic.


Rasa badan makin ringan dek kerana toksin dah berkurang dalam badan kot. Satu lagi kan, bila umur makin meningkat badan mudah letih dan kurang bermaya. Dengan Super Bio-Organic, KakYa rasa lebih bertenaga dan dapat bagi lebih tumpuan untuk kerja kerja KakYa. Alhamdulillah, Super Bio-Organic semakin serasi dengan KakYa


Kak Lya

*Mula-mula cuba tu memang rasa lain la sebab bahan yang digunakan semuanya organik. Tiada rasa tambahan. Semua semulajadi dari bahan-bahan yang terbaik. Cik Nor ni jenis tak kisah, ada rasa ke tak tak penting. Apa yang penting semuanya semulajadi tanpa apa-apa bahan tambahan.


Apa yang menarik Super Bio-Organic ni, bila kita menggunakannya secara konsisten secara automatik melancarkan sistem pencernaan. Selepas menggunakan produk ini, Cik Nor tak perlu tunggu lama untuk melepaskan hajat besar. hehe. Clear and smooth jer. Siapa yang tak makan sayur boleh cuba Super Bio-Organic ni, gerenti puas hati.


Cik Nor

*The effect on me was almost immediate – within a few days I could feel the difference. Passing motion became a natural process for me every morning when I visit the toilet. I used to have indigestion and constipation problems, and serious hemorrhoids. I felt “cleansed” (the feeling was really good), and I even started to enjoy going to clear myself out. My hemorrhoids no longer comes to disturb me too! Thanks to a family member who recommended this product to me.


Jess, Singapore

*In the past 3 years, i have been taking 1 scoop per day. It has permanently solved my constipation problem. Before this I always feel heavy and bloated but now I feel much lighter…


Ong Bin Chye, Kedah

*Disclaimer: Please note that the effects of our products vary from person to person. The testimonies in this website are provided by our customers and they should not be taken as medical advises. Here is our full medical disclaimer

Product Information

Facts about Super-Bio Organic

What is Super Bio-Organic?

Super Bio-Organic is a combination of high quality golden grain husk plus a special blend of more than 30 types of organic seeds, vegetables, green foods, prebiotic, enzymes and chlorophyll that work synergistically to provide optimum nutritional values to our body.

It is a superior health food that provides balance nutrition, enhances immune system and eliminates internal toxins from the body.

Pollutant Free Ingredients

Golden grain husk, crimson lentils, white wheat, red lentils, black beluga lentils, gold lentils, red grains, red wheat, green lentils, coicis seeds, spinach, mushroom, peanuts, carrots, black sesame, pumpkin seeds, celery, lotus seeds, oats, pine seeds, lotus root powder, flax seeds, soya beans, wild rice, yam, gingko, wheat germ, alfalfa, fennel seeds, asparagus, artichoke, spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass, barley grass, Japanese green tea, Fructo-Oligosaccharide (FOS), enzymes (Papain & Bromelain), mulberry and chlorophyll.

No added preservatives, coloring, sugar or salt. Vegetarian Formula.

Modern Lifestyles

Modern lifestyles and diet cause the built up of mucoid plaque. This blockage causes toxins to build up, leading to a host of health problems. Degenerative diseases such as immune disorder, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular problem, etc. are caused by mucoid plaque. Besides, poor skin complexion, pimples and lethargy also caused by accumulation of toxins.

Detox Your body Naturally with Organic High Fiber Diet

Suggested Serving:
Adults: 2-3 times a day
Children 8 years – 12 years: 1 time a day
Children below 6 years: half scoop 1 time a day

Meal replacement: 1-2 times or consume when necessary
Slimming purpose: replace it with 1 or 2 meals to lose unwanted weight quickly while maintaining optimum nutrition
Removal of mucoid plaque and detoxification: 3 times a day, consume half a hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner

Goodness Of The Rainbow

Nutritional Drink For Your Family

A complete nutritional drink which has of multi-colour whole plant-based ingredients added with prebiotics, spirulina, flax seeds and other potent ingredients.

Enjoy every the goodness of the rainbow for a colorful, energized and joyful life!


Organically Grown

Super Bio-Organic is rich in pollution-free organic seeds which are known for its high “adhesive power” to remove internal body toxins and unwanted wastes.

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Net weight: 600 grams
Direction: Add 1-2 scoops with 350ml of lukewarm water or juices. Stir well and drink immediately.
For better results, take 30 minutes before meal and drink and additional glass of water.

Free delivery!
Set of 3 bottles: 10% discount!

  • AshiSlim
  • Bought by Anne from Kuala Lumpur
  • AshiSlim
  • Bought by Bryan Liew from Johor Bahru
  • AshiSlim
  • Bought by Anne from Kuala Lumpur
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